stormwater pollution prevention training mississippi
Thompson Engineering provides a mandatory Construction Storm Water Management training course to Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) employees, contractors and consultants statewide. The course includes instruction on regulations, proper installation of best management practices, case studies, inspection strategies and development of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs). Successful completion of this course and the required test allows the Certified Erosion Control Person (CECP) to perform inspections on MDOT projects for a period of five years. The majority of the in-person classes are scheduled in January through March of each year, and classes are rotated through MDOT’s District Offices. Private group sessions may be scheduled upon request.
organizations we've helped
Since 2004, numerous organizations in Mississippi have worked with Thompson Engineering to develop and deliver client-specific storm water and environmental training courses.
Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) Construction Division:
- Thompson Engineering has provided Construction Storm Water Management training to more than 2,350 MDOT employees, contractors, and consultants statewide. Certification under this program is required by all contractors performing work on federally funded projects in Mississippi
- Urban Storm Water Management – training based on the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) MS4 permit and the MDOT Storm Water Management Plan
- Environmental Regulations for Construction Projects –half-day courses translating the specific requirements of the MDEQ Large and Small Construction General Permits into practical terms and applications
Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) Maintenance Division:
- Environmental Awareness Curriculum – Development of Standard Operating Procedures and general training for MDOT Maintenance personnel on environmental issues that might be encountered during a normal workday. The course covers the following topics:
- Housekeeping
- Storage and Handling of Materials
- Safety Data Sheets
- Wastewater and Storm Water Issues
- Underground and Above Ground Storage Tank Management
- Spill Response
- Wetlands
- Hazardous and Universal Wastes
- Recyclables
- Environmental Permit
- Encroachment Permit Curriculum – storm water pollution prevention training for utility construction activities and other encroachments to the MDOT right-of-way
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention for Routine Maintenance Operations
MDOT Planning Division, Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)
For Local Public Agencies throughout the state, Thompson Engineering has developed the following:
- A four-hour training class titled “Introduction to Storm Water Management”
- A four-hour training course on the NPDES Large Construction Permit and one on the NPDES Small Construction Permit
- A two-hour presentation for County Engineers and State Aid staff addressing ongoing storm water-related problems that are commonly encountered in the field. The presentation addresses state permitting requirements related to each issue and provided feasible solutions. The presentation includes slides of storm water issues prior to and after appropriate corrective actions were taken
Mississippi Army National Guard:
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention for Construction Sites –training in storm water pollution prevention regulations and techniques for MSARNG personnel and associated contractors who are involved in military construction projects
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention for Facilities –training in storm water pollution prevention plans and associated environmental regulations for military facilities operations
Mississippi Housing Institute:
Six-hour course to provide training in storm water pollution prevention regulations and practical instruction in performance-oriented BMP installation, inspection, and maintenance techniques to developers and builders involved in residential construction. Provided in association with the Mississippi Homebuilders Association and the Mississippi Associated Builders and Contractors.
Confidential Client:
Thompson Engineering developed a training program related to storm water management at construction sites for poultry production houses. During development of the training program, construction activities were observed at several of the poultry production locations to evaluate issues and concerns.
Confidential Client:
Thompson developed and conducted a storm water management training course related to construction of electrical transmission lines.
For a schedule of courses, fee schedule, and registration form please call us at 601.899.9252.

upcoming classes & how to register
other MDOT classes
learn more
For more information or to register for one of our MDOT Construction Storm Water Management training classes, please contact Sherena Sarullo.